ChoiceWe make choices all the time. We hope we make good choices. Everyday I make choices from the simplest to the most difficult. I make choices from what I'm going to wear to what I'm going to eat.I make choices regarding if something is good or bad.This new year of 2012 has arrived and I have made choices to take negative people out my life.I made a choice to make school my main priority.Most of the time I'm happy with my choices at the moment but there are times that things don't end up how I thought they would. In the poem "The Road not Taken" by Robert Frost.The main character has a choice to make. He's in the woods and he has to choose between two roads that he should take. His choice was the second road,"two roads diverged in a wood, and I took the one less traveled by and that has made all the difference". The second road was his choice because no one had gone through there. He wanted to make his own way so he decided to go where no one had gone before."Yet knowing how way leads on to way,I doubted if I should ever come back". In this part of the poem he mentions how he doubted if he should ever come back. When he made a choice, he was also taking a risk.He wasn't sure where this road was going to lead him, but he took it anyway because it was his own choice to take that road. In the short story"Dead End" by Rudolfo Anaya it shows a perfect example of making the right choices. A young girl named Maria is left to take care of her younger siblings after her mother passed away. Maria is only a senior in high school and already has a lot of responsibilities. Maria had a choice not to go to school,and hang out with the wrong crowd,or she could continue to go to school,do well and be a good influence to her younger siblings. She made the right choice and did the right thing. Maria stayed in school and stood away from gangs and the bad influence. Before her mother passed away,Maria made a promise with her and told her she would get her education and become someone one day. That's exactly what Maria did. Even though thProxy-Connection: keep-alive Cache-Control: max-age=0 e were many distractions, she stood by her word and made the choice to do the right thing. A story similar to this one is "La Llorona" by Joe Hayas. The only difference in the La Llorona is that the young girl made the wrong choice. Long after she made that choice she realized it wasn't the right one. Maria's mother would always tell her this story. Every time there was a moment where Maria had bad influence around her she thought about her mother and the story, La Llorona. In the short story "The Tyranny of Choice" by Barry Schwartz it shows a connection between choice and our happiness.Schwarts says "options allows people to select precisely what makes them happiest. But as, studies show, abundant choice often makes for misery".This essay talks about people and the choices they make and why they make these choices. Since there is so much to choose from, it shows graphs on a person's feelings or reactions to a certain choices they made. It shows that having too much to choose from actually decreases our happiness. There are over 100 different options for everything. Example, toothpaste. There are so many different kinds of toothpaste I can choose from. All of them have different effects , flavors , and colors. It's hard to ever choose when there are so many. Which one is the right one, which one works best? Also there is always a new toothpaste coming out, which makes it harder for anybody to choose a toothpaste. If things were simple ,and there were fewer things to choose from it would make a lot of people's lives easier. This cartoon is a good example of choice because it explains the events that occur when coming to a decision and we see things that effect our choice. A negative comment on a great puppy, which could have been the best one for me but instead I choose the other which ultimately wasn't the right one for Me. Many things effect choice and makes the people who make the wrong choice regret it. Our lives are based on choices that we make. Depending on our choices, our lives will lead into different directions. Even though making a choice isn't always easy, we chose one eventually. For an example, in the story "Dead End". Maria makes the choice to not hang out with the wrong crowd and do right. She could have easily made the other choice to hang out late, smoke, drink , and do bad in school and not care about anything but she didn't. Therefore, the outcome of her choice was great. Shes going to graduate from high school and move on to college and start her career. Just like her mother would've wanted. YOUR EMAIL © Jessica 2012